Against The Stream Meditation Center

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Developing an Attitude of Gratitude with Noah Levine

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Developing an Attitude of Gratitude Noah Levine

April 5, 2021. I’ve always liked the Chinese Buddhists saying, “10,000 joys 10,000 sorrows”.

That there's a **** load of suffering, 10,000 sorrows, and we can get really focused on the 10,000 sorrows right? Most of us are pretty focused on what's wrong.

But there's also 10,000 joys. There's also all of this goodness, pleasure, joy and wholesome happiness; all of these healthy sources of joy.

It’s an encouragement to not forget to practice joy. Don't just always practice compassion. Also practice developing gratitude. Appreciation.

The PMA, right? Positive mental attitude. It’s a practice.

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