Against The Stream Meditation Center

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Sense Pleasures with Noah Levine

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Sense Pleasures Noah Levine

August 12, 2024

I often find it a little bit of a dilemma to be a householder Buddhist. To be following these teachings of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, who was a renunciate,  who was a celibate monk.  This topic of pleasure and indulgence I find it a little bit of a dilemma that a lot of my teachers who are monks, are choosing this path of celibacy, renunciation and simplicity. They're not indulging in the kind of sense pleasures that I choose to indulge in. It can sometimes set up a little bit of a feeling like a second class Buddhist, like they're the real Buddhists, the kind that are really giving up the worldly pleasures…

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