Truth. Self-control. Generosity. Steadfastness. And patience with Noah Levine
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November 16, 2020 “Steadfastness” I like that. It just sounds cool. "Steadfast."
It means something like committed, “I'm all in.” Like when you have faith – not blind faith but verified faith. When you've tried the practice, and even when you know – inevitably – you're going to hit periods of disillusionment, you're going to hit periods of doubt, you're going to hit periods of boredom.
Steadfast is, “I'm going to continue no matter what. My resolve is strong and I'm going to keep going. When it's boring, I'm going to keep meditating. When it's repetitive, I'm going to keep meditating. I'm going to keep practicing the principles and the precepts. I'm going to keep giving, even when I don't feel like giving and I don't feel like showing up. I'm going to be steadfast in my commitment to truth, to awakening, both internally and externally, to helping be part of the solution, to create a positive change on this planet and be steadfast in my commitment. It's not optional anymore.”
Discussion on: Truth. Self-control. Generosity. Steadfastness. And patience.
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