How many of us have lived the life of constantly trying to avoid, replace, ignore and postpone anything that feels difficult, that stinks, that is boring, or is unpleasant?
Read MoreThe definition of mercy is to not cause harm in a situation where we have the power to cause harm.
Read MoreThe path of liberating the heart, of dharma practice, has been likened to a long and arduous trek through an unknown wilderness.
Read MoreCultivate the good. Cultivating the good means uncovering, recovering the wisdom and compassion that are present as potential in all of us.
Read MoreHow we behave matters.
Read MoreThere is a way to navigate this human-ness this being-ness without suffering about it, without taking it all so seriously, so personally, so gravely.
Read MoreFor the next 3 months, I'm going to use my book, ‘Heart of the Revolution’ as the topic for my Monday night Dharma talk and guided meditation. This book is about loving-kindness and compassion, forgiveness, generosity, equanimity, what we call the ‘brahmaviharas’ or ‘the heart practices’ of Buddhism.
Read MoreThe Buddha had a really really radical proposal for humanity. For all of us. And that is, that all living beings have the power, the potential , he ability to free themselves from suffering through their own actions – through our own efforts – in this lifetime, no matter where you come from, what you've done.
Read MoreThe five precepts are referred to as ‘Sila’; Buddhist ethics to train ourselves to abstain from killing, lying, stealing, sexual misconduct and using intoxicants.
Read MoreDiscussion on: Truth. Self-control. Generosity. Steadfastness. And patience.
Read MoreKeep meditating. Keep coming back. Persevere. Don't give up even though sometimes we feel so hopeless. Keep trying. Develop the mantra, “I love you, keep going”.
Read MoreFear and the antidotes to fear.
Read MoreWhat's the difference between non-attachment and detachment, avoidance, dissociation, dismissiveness or complacency?
Read MoreYou can't really trust the untrained mind but ultimately, you're going to have to train your mind so much that it becomes trustworthy.
Read MoreAnatta: Where is this I? What part of me is clingy, needy, afraid, angry, judgmental, inflated, deflated? Where is this self?
Read MoreThe spiritual revolutionary defies both the internal and external forces of oppression.
Read MoreDeath meditation. Sometimes when you have a meditation like this it's worth actually sitting down and reflecting a little bit. Maybe you hadn't thought of these things in a long time but then when you had 30 minutes to live, it all came rushing back. And maybe you think, “I do want to follow through rather than going back to sleep, rather than going back into denial or avoidance.”
Read MoreIt's probably much more wise for us to take full personal responsibility for being annoyed by humans. But how often do we think that everyone else is the problem? Think, “if the annoying people just weren't so annoying, I'd be happy.”
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